Touchstone Energy

Client: Touchstone Energy
Project: Company Website
Agency: H&L Partners
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The Touchstone Energy website was a complete rebuild of what was a largely static main site and a series of microsites spread across the web.  This site had the goal of pulling everything together into a central hub that all member cooperatives could use to get news and information.  To maintain continuity from existing sites, this website was built on the WordPress CMS using a completely custom theme utilizing a responsive HTML5 and CSS front-end framework.

Each section of the site is built using modular components that can be easily updated in the admin area and integrates with multiple APIs that tap into nationwide co-op information and locator services.  We made extensive use of custom post-types and even wrote a few components from scratch to allow easy embedding of custom-formatted Vimeo videos, i-framed microsites and other utilities.  The search feature on the site uses the powerful ElasticSearch system for fully indexed search results that are miles ahead of what WordPress can achieve on its own.

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