You Are The Technology

Client: Vibram
Project: You Are The Technology
Agency: Nail / Coolfire

At the height of the barefoot running craze, I had the opportunity to create this website for Vibram.  The site featured large-scale HD videos which were streamed from Amazon Cloudfront and allowed users to scroll across a male and female body to explore all the reasons why your body is an amazing running machine. The site was 100% custom, built using Adobe Flash and an AMF gateway for sending and receiving data from the server.

The messages were hand-written on models for the shoot and incorporated overlays of graphics and videos to display additional content.  While idle the models would move and look at each other and when a message was selected, the videos would transition into alternate scenes to rotate around the models or zoom in on features.

The website won an FWA Site of The Day award.

Credits: I was the developer on this project while at Coolfire.
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